Stretching Your Piriformis

Feeling a little tight?  
Here are a few tips on how to stretch out your piriformis.


*Your body doesn't know you're stretching until you hold a stretch for 30-45 seconds.*

1. Step one, stand tall and square to arm of couch or kitchen stool.

step one

step one

2. Step two place one leg on top, keeping leg straight and hips square to arm of couch.

step two

step two

3.  Step three, hinging from hips lean forward with a flat back feeling a stretch in hamstring. Keep foot pointed to the ceiling and straight up and down keeping hips square.

step three

step three

4. Step four, keeping leg up, stand tall bringing standing leg hip forward and place hand from standing leg side to outside of leg and leg leaning forward at a slight angle over knee.

step four

step four


The alternative to a couch or couch height object would be to use a chair or stool.  Use a dowl or a broom to assist with stability.   

step one with a chair

step one with a chair

step two with a chair

step two with a chair

step three with a chair

step three with a chair

step four with a chair

step four with a chair

Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury, we urge you to obtain a physical examination from a doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise activity. You agree that by participating in physical exercise or training activities, you do so entirely at your own risk.  You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. We are also not responsible for any loss of your personal property.